a blog by Dan Lidstone of Harvest Bible Chapel::Naperville

Follower/Husband/Father/Son/Worship Leader

Friday, January 22, 2010

Video from CYA

Steve Smith and Kevin Fiske with some friends worked hard to put this together for our College/Young Adult worship venue. I am really excited about how they used this video to bridge the gap between the scholarly world and church world (which sadly can often be very disconnected). We are really looking forward to using this concept again. Nice work guys!

Exhile - 1 Peter from Harvest CYA on Vimeo.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

New Song we're thinking about

Love this song. I think we will be incorporating this into our worship culture...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Tasty, Hooky Toon

I like everything about this. Great song.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Worship in Review 1.16/17.10

It's been a crazy week past.  The devastation that happened in Haiti on Tuesday was something that just couldn't be ignored and as the worship leader for the weekend, I couldn't bring myself to start the worship set off with a couple upbeat rockers followed by a medium then a slow song.  It wasn't right and we decided to go to the drawing board officially on Thursday.  My thought in planning was to start out with a song that reflected the hope of the gospel, and move deeper from there.  I wanted remind people of the hope of the gospel not just for the victims in Haiti, but for the troubles of they face in their own lives.  Here is the set we came up with...

:Your Name (started with a quiet chorus and drew people to the "Strong and Might Tower")
:Mighty to Save (full version, nothing left out)
    Responsive reading from Ps. 18
:Oh You Bring (Hillsong - "Oh you bring hope to the hopeless...)
:Jesus Paid it All

We also took up an offering at the end of the service for the church in Haiti and showed this video right before we took up the offering.

To end the service, our head pastor, Ron Zappia, had people spend time in prayer.  We did a quiet close and it was amazing to see people huddled with family and friends long after the service had officially ended.

The offering goes to an initiative called churcheshelpingchurches.com.  Please take a minute to check out the site and give what you can.